Hey blush! :)
Its been pretty long since I visited you.
Need you once again.
I am going through a weird phase right now.
Its just like I am disappointed with everyone and I don't feel like being in touch with everyone.
I don't find anything to talk about, its all a big blank as if the slate of my mind has been wiped clean.
I am not able to figure out the reason as to why I have been feeling so distant.
People have started bothering me, their attempts to use me have started suffocating me.
I just wished to be loved without any expectations, without any judgements for once.
My solitude is peaceful but if I say I love it, it would be a mere lie.
Yes it is good at times but there are moments when it starts depressing me.
Yes everyone is mean, people always think about themselves first no matter how close they are and it is next to impossible to find a person who puts you first but I somehow managed to find one person who I respect for his decisions and putting other's happiness first.
I find him pretty much similar to me but I wonder is it worth living a life in which you sacrifice your own happiness for people who don't even acknowledge you for once.
Money and the happiness it buys is just not what I expect,
I find my happiness in small gestures and things.
I am very very thankful to God and a person for last night,
for being there without any demands and just telling me how special I am although I don't have a clue about it.
Thank you so much!
If I ever get over my issues I'll be lucky to make you completely crazy as you would say it!
I am not the type of person who experiences happy tears every now and then.
It is too rare for me and still I experienced it, thank you for that.
This phase of my life really makes me wonder how it would be like after 2 years when I'll be all set to go far away and start a new life.
Yes I got big dreams and I need to make them come true for my own sake, for my own happiness for once.
Help me God to achieve everything I wish to.
For now I guess its going to be my solitude, my insanity and me for some time and maybe an amazing company at times.
Lets see where my life takes me.