'Solitude' does'nt really sound good to maximum people i know. As much as my little brain tells me, Loneliness symbolises a 'Broken heart' ( Yes of course when you are dumped by the one you love.. ) because that is the moment when you feel like getting detached from this world and sitting in a corner of your room recalling things ( Ohh that sound really dramatic.. :D ).
But the Solitude i believe in has nothing to do with a broken heart ( ) in fact I find it very comfortable and very enjoyable. I believe that we do not need to escape from the world or rush to the Himalayas seeking peace of mind in fact i think it lies within us only, in our hearts and Solitude is the best way to search for that peace inside ourselves, the best way to get to know ourselves ( Time has made me go spiritual but nevertheless i am enjoying it, a new food for my soul.. ).
When i feel like being alone my favorite spot is my balcony along with my cupboard. I enjoy the coziness, the warmth, the feeling when i feel the breeze touching my face and blowing through my hairs ( I really find it difficult to describe those feelings in word.. ) with its calm pace and its gentle touch. Standing on the railing of my balcony I love to observe the happenings around me especially the innocent kids playing and jumping, their innocent cute talks, the way they walk holding the hands of their parents. It appears so nice to me seeing the innocent smiles on their faces and their twinkling eyes ( And well that is one of the reasons i enjoy being a kid with my twinkling eyes... :D ).
Solitude actually helps you to know yourself better and it teaches you enjoying your own company and trust me that proves out to be very useful in your life. When you actually come to know what you exactly are you dont have to pretend anything to anyone, and you get a wonderful chance to learn from your own life experience to the best,
I have read somewhere,
"You cannot have a sound relationship with the other, unless you have a sound relationship with yourself. If you don’t have a firm ground beneath your feet, you will be wobbling and when you are wobbling, no one will ever ask for your support; instead, you will be seeking support from others."
And I believe in being Independent rather then seeking support from anyone. The day you start enjoying your company you will find a better person in you and to some extent need of other people's support will be reduced, and you will find yourself refilled with great confidence and confidence helps you to reach great heights ( I am feeling i should become a preacher.. lol.. :D ).
I enjoy Solitude but i do need my friends with me. I can not always be alone but yes sometimes i prefer being alone ( I have no regrets and i dont pretend what i am not.. ).
This chapter comes to an end here, will be back with a new one. :)
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