Hey Everyone!
Lately I have been thinking about what to post new on my Blog, as I have been asked by my 'Doggiee' ( With all my love *grin* ) to write an entire post in the form of a 'Rap'. I can write a Rap on everything and anything, all I need is the 'Mood' ( At times I feel a strong urge to write a Rap and thats the perfect time to write one *grin* .. ), usually at that time I listen to lots of Raps especially by John Cena ( My super-crush and the Sexiest Rapper! ). So 'Doggiee' I am just waiting for that mood and after that I'll for sure write the Rap *grin*.
The dress-up of 'The Street' people attracts me a lot, I love to dress up that way ( A lot! )
^ ^ Thats me in 'The Street' dress-up and Whistling pose!
( This the original Heater-Light effect in the pic )
^ ^ Trying to pose something different *wink*.
( I try to pose something new and always end up giving the same poses! )
^ ^ A face close-up with 'The Street' look.
( Love my eyes in this one! )
Past Six months have been the most boring part of my life ( I have absolutely nothing to do! ). I just wish that my admission gets finalised soon and my college starts quickly ( I am excited about that! ).
I have become a movie freak these days, all I do the entire day is watching movies ( At least two movies a day.. ). I sit in front of my television showing 'Star Movies' the whole day or may be 'Cartoon Network' for some time. I love watching Thrillers and Horrors, I feel very Happy and Excited after I see a movie ( I haven't discovered the reason for that yet.. ).
Basically I am following the Fashion related blogs on this site but amongst all those Ladies the most influential I felt is 'Tanvii' from 'The Fabulous Life of Not-So-Rich and Infamous' ( http://www.tanvii.com/ ).
She is really Beautiful, has the Perfect Attitude, Dresses up absolutely Stunningly and yet is Down-to-Earth. I am really really Influenced by her and I Pray to God that she achieves everything she wants to in her Life.
This Post can't be complete without the mention of 'Surprises' I received from my 'Doggiee' ( I am so happy about that! ). I love you so much 'Doggiee', you are the Bestest friend to have and yes I certify now that you can give Surprises *wink* ( Happy now.. ? ). I was so thrilled when I received the packet and saw so many gifts in it one after other! I simply loved the Pearl you gifted me ( Original one.. lol .. ), It is really beautiful although opening the Oyster wasn't that easy ( As I was so worried that my nail doesn't break *grin* ) and the pendent is really cute and pretty :) , Chocolate was my favorite one and the Deo is really nice! Thank you so much for everything. I loved each and everything you gifted me :) !
So well that was about my past few days and the new happenings in my life.
I'll be back very soon with a new part of my life.
Bye Everyone. :)