Friday, March 18, 2011

Situations, a part of life that actually make you wonder 'Why?'. Ignoring a person although appears very easy but when the person stands next to you and sees you eye to eye how is it possible to ignore the person? Situations just make the unexpected happen and you just can't avoid them! A flashback of the past refreshes all old memories in the Heart and once heart overwhelms how can we pass by the person as if the person is a stranger! I don't find that possible, one can be strong enough to forgive and forget past but no one is strong enough to erase each and every memory of the past and walk by as if nothing had happened! No ,I can't do that, I am just not strong enough! I can forgive but I can never forget, for it was not just two random people who knew each other, it was two people who shared a bond between them, a bond of love!

God, please listen to my Heart!
Help me sort the right and wrong!

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