Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sometimes I act like an emotional fool or maybe most of the time I do that,
and that is what just goes on creating more and more confusions and complications in my life.
This is why I fail to understand what exactly do I want,
To live my life my way
Not to hurt people around me.

I'll have to stop doing this now,
I'll have to make my decision open-minded instead of going emotion-blinded.
Or else I'll keep struggling with my life and my choices throughout my life and it wont be good for anyone,
Be it me or the people around me.

Most of the time I am judged wrong by people,
there are very very few who actually understand the reasons behind my choices and decisions 
and I really love them for this,
For being by my side always.

Yesterday was a rainy day and I decided to enjoy the rain,
I stepped out in the rain and I could feel all the worries and confusions dripping out of my body along with the rain.
It was relieving,
with every droplet of rain washed away my worries but
I could really use a company there. ;)
Rain seems more enjoyable when You have someone with You ,
most of the time its my brother with me 
but there are some people who say
that they don't really like going in the rain till there is some special reason to step in the rain,
I would love to make them enjoy the rain...

I seriously don't understand how can anyone resist the rain!?
At least I can't. :D

And then the evening, I would describe as one of the most wonderful evenings of my life..
Those few minutes just made me speechless,
I desperately wanted time to stop then and there but well it never does ..
I have no words to describe how I felt that moment, 
it was something like my Heart skipped a beat 
and I forgot everything around me,
like Everything!
Even recalling it back makes my heart skip a beat and a smile flashes upon my lips,
a deep content one .. :)

It was a wonderful day yesterday and 
I am glad I am finally learning my mistakes and weaknesses
and I am certainly going to improve upon them.

Thank You God for everything! :)
( And excuse me for being so melodramatic in my last 2 posts

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