Sunday, September 18, 2011

~ Random ~

Hey Blush! 
Finally the weekend! :)

Right now,
there are so many things going on
I believe
most of them are out of my control.
I am unable to understand,
where exactly do I go wrong,
every time!?

I am unable to understand 
what exactly should I do?
to make things better.

No idea,
simply no idea at all.
I find myself getting deeply hurt,
I find my pillow soaked in tears during the nights
and yet
I smile,
for people around me.
I chose to hide the hurt deep within.
I never forced anyone for anything,
never will,
but that simply doesn't mean,
that I would be able to stop myself from getting hurt,
I would be able to stop the tears from coming out of my eyes.
No, I can't.
I am a human and somethings are not in my control.
I can only hide it,
and I guess that is exactly what time demands of me
at the instant.

I only wish that the clouds of complexities and confusions would disappear soon
and the bright ray of joy and hope will re-enter my life once again.
Every human has a saturation-point,
and I hope things get better
before I reach mine.
I don't wish to lose myself once again,
simply wont be able to recollect myself this time.

There are moments when I feel like,
deactivating my Facebook account,
stop visiting You Blush,
stop seeing my friends,
just living alone with the hurt
cry.. cry my pain out..
Lets see what do I do.

God help me !


  1. What is bothering you so much Vanshika ?

  2. Things are going wrong with the closest person, and I simply had no idea why!
    I have already lost so many people from my life, can't afford to lose Him now. :(
    Spoke to him, tried to sort things out, I only hope it works!

  3. What made you think my recent write-up was hilarious ?
