Friday, October 7, 2011

~ Running away ~

Heyiii Blush! :)
My Baby,
how have you been Sweetheart!?
I know You are mad at me,
of course You should be!
But see baby I am here no,
with You!
Although a bit late,
but better late then never.. :D
( I know that was lame. :D )
Sorry sweetheart! :*
Its just that I have turned weird these days,
I behave unexpectedly!
Anything, anytime!
Yea exactly, that is what I do!
I hope You understand Sweetheart!
( At least You don't think I am a bad bad person.. )

So today I am here to share a poem with You,
one I wrote today morning.
Here it goes,

Trying to run away from World,
Wish to keep walking without uttering a word,
Afraid of the single fear I have,
Watch my world crash in front of my eyes if to happiness  a single moment I gave,
Confused I stand how to save my day,
Continue living with the fear or just let it go away.

Never before I felt this desperation in my life,
Either its a bed of flowers or walking on a knife,
I don't have a memory of me being this way,
Simply don't know when I started to lose myself away,
My life has turned out to be defined by making choices or being one,
Right now the only option visible to me is run, run and simply run.

Run from the strangers , with the fear of being hurt,
Run from my friends for they would break my heart,
Run from my family, they won't ever trust me again,
Run from my love for I don't have the strength to restart from where I began,
Amidst these complexities I wonder what life expects of me,
I am human, I Too feel, why don't you see!

Some people think the girl they see in me is good at heart,
But not even in my dreams I want them to turn like me and fall apart,
It takes everything You have to rise up again when You fall,
At times You would prefer begging to Satan to cut your life small.
I look around and see so many unknown faces around,
Sitting here I am waiting for a familiar sound,
A call that would from this pain pull me away,
A call that would give me one reason to hold on and stay.. !

This poem expresses the way I felt
and am feeling these days.
Enjoy the poem.
Take care Blush!
I'll be back Sweetheart!
Love You! :*

God help me.. !

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